10 December 2007

Rudd's commitment to Kyoto: more negotiations

The response from Peter Garrett, Australia's new Environment Minister, on questions about Australia's support for short term cuts to greenhouse gas emissions was all too familiar:

"I think that most importantly, we are committed to constructive negotiations. That is the important message here, we're committed to constructive negotiations."

Rudd leaves us in no doubt about our "commitment" at the Bali conference:

"The objective of Bali is to start the process of negotiations for the next couple of years to bring about a real outcome to deal with excessively dangerous climate change."

Rudd has ruled out endorsing short term targets for greenhouse gas emissions without even setting foot on Bali.

Until Rudd is serious about making a commitment to targets for greenhouse gas emissions, the ratification of the Kyoto protocol can be regarded as nothing more than a symbolic gesture.

This raises some doubts about how committed the Labor Party truly is to tackling climate change, an issue upon which it sought to differentiate itself from the Liberal Party in the last election campaign.

Editorial from AdelaideNow...: End this climate of uncertainty

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